How To Set Up A Webinar - A Guide

how to set up a webinar

Are you interested in learning How To Set Up A Webinar? Have you ever attended one but felt that they never produced the results you were hoping for? Don't feel alone because this is a big topic and there is no right or wrong way of doing it. But there are some pros and cons to webinars, which I will highlight below.


The first two is that like Facebook, you can build a huge following for your webinar. You simply have to test run your webinar once or twice using a Facebook plug-in and gauge how many people join up. If you get a large number, then you know that this is a good way to drive traffic to your website and potentially increase your sales. It's also another option if your webinar is more of a one-time thing so you don't need to remember how many people showed up for the first one and how many people showed up for the follow-up webinar.


Another pro is that you can test out different ways of how to set up a webinar in advance. You can use an online landing page, you can use a slide deck or you can use a combination of all three. Each of these methods has different advantages depending on your needs. And each of them has pros and cons.

How To Set Up A Webinar - A Guide


The first pro tip is that you do not have to do any of the technical stuff when you set up a webinar. All you have to do is create a landing page, send your visitors there, show them a brief video or slide deck and tell them to join your email list. You've done all of this in a couple minutes. You don't have to deal with registration pages or anything like that.

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Another option is to set up a landing page like Facebook. Then, you can invite everyone who would be interested in your webinar to like your page on Facebook. You could also put a small "Join Me" button on every page you build. That way, when your webinar starts, all your visitors can click on that button and join your list. It's very similar to what I said about setting up Facebook. But, it's a little more polished and easier for non-techies to work with.

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Another pro to webinars is that you can schedule them. You can easily set up your own times and view them at your leisure. If you aren't tech savvy and you're having a rough time getting your webinar software organized, you can simply set it up tomorrow and view it that night.

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Another option for how to set up a webinar series is to purchase webinar software and host it yourself. Again, this can be a challenge for the non-technical person. However, there are many companies out there that offer hosted seminars. Some of them will charge you a fee, but many of them offer a free trial. So, if you don't want to pay for hosting, you might look into this option.


There are three good options for how to set up a webinar series. You should use each one once you start seeing results from your webinars. Then, if you find that you love it, you may find a fourth option that works even better. That's what you'll learn as you continue to learn more about webinars.


One option is to use a free webinar host. This webinar host would give you a name and email address and let you host your first webinar with them. This is a great option because you do not have to pay anything to host the webinar. However, it's not exactly "free". They will host the webinar for free, but they get some money for making it happen.


Your second option is to sign up for a paid webinar host. The difference here is that you'll need to pay to set up the webinar, but you also have a license to distribute the webinar. This is a great way to set up webinars, especially if you have something new to share or a promotion to run. But, like the free option, you'll have to pay for the webinar license as well as host it yourself.


So, now you know how to set up a webinar. Just be sure to read the terms of service (TOS) before signing up for a service. Also, find out what your goals are and research the different methods of broadcasting. Once you do all that, you'll be ready to broadcast your first webinar!

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